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Soldier of our Peace

Posted by
Karine*Mazloumian (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France) on 17 April 2019 in People & Portrait and Portfolio.

Deep Thanks to all the brave firefighters, men & also women, these soldiers of our Peace, who risked their lives to save Notre-Dame Cathedral*** ... and so many other souls, each day, here & there.

"L'amour est comme un arbre : il pousse de lui-même, jette profondément ses racines dans tout notre être, et continue souvent de verdoyer sur un coeur en ruines" — "Notre-Dame de Paris", Victor Hugo (1831)

Nikon D90 1/500 second F/11 ISO 200 35mm
NB — Don't try too find me in the mirror of his helmet, I am not visible

(Paris - 2014)

All original frames (excepted the square croppings) / Hormis les formats carrés, tous les cadrages sont d'origine.
© Karine Mazloumian. All rights reserved. Thank you very much for your visits & comments here.

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" — (Dorothea Lange)

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