> G⊙⊙d vibes fisherman
"A boat isn't bigger or smaller according to whether it is at the crest or in the trough of the wave" — (Breton saying)
╰☆╮Nikon D7200 1/400 second F/10 ISO 100 35mm
“Un bateau n'est pas plus grand ou plus petit, selon qu'il se trouve au sommet ou au creux de la vague” — (Proverbe breton)
(Belle-Ile-en-Mer, Southern Brittany, France - May 2016)
All original frames (excepted the square croppings) / Hormis les formats carrés, tous les cadrages sont d'origine.
© Karine Mazloumian. All rights reserved. Thank you very much for your visits & comments here.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" — (Dorothea Lange)
This image has been featured in 2 Remix collections.